Is the second open mine largest in Chile. This mine, together with the Chuquicamata mine, make up the North Division of the Corporación del Cobre de Chile (Codelco), which annually produces more than 1300 000 tons of fine copper.

Tatio Geysers

Impressive show, albeit with very cold (temperatures below zero) and 4321 meters above sea level.
To appreciate this wonder of nature, we need to arrive at the place before the five o'clock.
It is a geothermal field linked to Volcano Tatio. The geysers originate when they come into contact with a river frozen underground hot rocks.
In this place, the water in the form of steam, comes to the surface through fissures in the earth's crust, reaching a temperature of 85 º C, which reveals an impressive spectacle to ascend violent flows of steam that rise up to 10 metres tall.
Way back in the geysers, we stopped in Machuca, Acatameño village of 4000 meters high, devoted to grazing and agriculture.
En route we saw flamingos and vizcachas (giant rodents)

Aldea de Tulor

It is a pre-Columbian village Acatameña rebuilt. The original village began to be built around 800 BC and was inhabited in his time by nearly 150 to 200 inhabitants. The material was used only clay and chañar beams, two important raw materials used by villagers until today

Pukara de Quitor

Pre-Incan fortress. It dates back to the XIIth century. It was declared a National Monument in 1982.


It is also located within the Cordillera de la Sal. It is a special place surrounded by curious ways eroded reddish patches and white. The high acidity and salinity of this environment makes it impossible the existence of life.

VALLE DE LA LUNA - Moon Valley-

Declared wildlife Sanctuary, is located within the Cordillera de la Sal. In a place of desolation, the wind has carved gullies and mounds of salt, clay and plaster sculptures that seem so beautiful, like the Three Marias (or guards) the amphitheatre and other caverns. The age of these rock formations is approximately a million years ago!


San Pedro de Atacama, is considered the archaeological capital of Chile and main centre of culture Likanantal, and for us the starting point for exploring the most remarkable attractions of Chile.
On the road course Calama to San Pedro de Atacama, we found the “Cordillera de la Sal”, an unusual spectacle of hills with unusual shapes and bright minerals. The road crosses the ridge of salt and begins to descend toward the gorgous Atacama Salt Flat, with an imposing view of Licancabur volcano and ayllus (territorial groupings of arable land and pre-Columbian origen, divided into sectors as kinship)


We travelled to Calama along with other motorcycles; we surprised the influx of motorcycles on the road. When we arrived in the city, one person made signs to stop and we invite the "First Meeting of motorcycles" organized by the Club of the Desert Wolves, was now our friend Victor, who also has a surprising hospitality and confidence we invite stayed at home. Those days we enjoyed the company of his family, his daughter Roxana, which has a beautiful smile and contagious-and his son John and his girlfriend Stephanie were very pleasant stay at home.
At the meeting, characterized by big motorcycles, Harley Davison style, the prize went creditors "to the motorcycle coming from farther" obviously we did not have competition to our 11000 kilometres before arriving in Calama.
In those days Juan Carlos and another friend of the Club of the Desert Wolves, helped us with a service to our motorcycle.
Finally, in this city and in this meeting we met true friends, we hope to see again soon.

Crossing the desert

We spent several days crossing the desert, visiting La Serena, Vallenar, Copiapo, Tal Tal and Antofagasta among other places.
Crossing the desert

Valparaiso and Viña del Mar

In these cities we spend several days, trying unsuccessfully to get the navy boat to the island of Robinson Crusoe or Easter Island. However we enjoy this picturesque city declared a World Cultural Heritage and their famous elevators

March 2. We are in Santiago. 9000 Kilometres

In Santiago, were hosted at the beautiful home of Claudia and Juan Manuel, who were super generous with us. We enjoy the city of Santiago and take to make a service to the motorcycle and processing visa for Gaby in Peru, and Don for Bolivia, in the latter requirements were so many and so overwhelming that we decided not to go.

Globetrotter in the route of Che Guevara